
8.7.- Past continuous vs past simple and Writing an article

Past Simple vs past continuous introductory video Past continuous vs past simple online exercise https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/past-simple-past-continuous-exercise-1.html The Photographers' Gallery in London video How to write an article WHAT IS AN ARTICLE? An article is a text that expresses your opinion and knowledge about something. It should be an entertaining text that gets the readers attention and informs them.   THE STRUCTURE OF AN ARTICLE IS SIMPLE: Title Introduction Description (develop your idea) Recommendation and ending   WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO? The 2020 version of the B1 Preliminary involves writing two texts of 100 words. You need to write an email, and then either an article or a stroy. You have the choice between the two, do not write both of them. For more information on how to write an article, see  this post .   The examiners are looking at the following criteria: Content All of the content in the writing should be aimed at answering th...

8.6.- Speaking part 4

Introductory video about likes and dislikes Individual online exercise https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Expressing_preferences/Likes_and_Dislikes_pi1881925qq Exercises on page 67 Conversation video about expressing preferences Online game about prefer, would prefer and would rather https://test-english.com/grammar-points/b1-b2/would-rather-would-prefer/2/ Vocabulary about holiday activities My summer vacation video Semi-restricted written and oral practice 1.- Write an interview of 5 questions for a classmate about his or her holiday-activity preferences using a different structure in each question and collect the answers. 2.- Write your interview answers in third singular person and in direct speech. Individual online exercise about preferences https://test-english.com/grammar-points/b1-b2/would-rather-would-prefer/3/

8.5.- Listening about best places to go for holidays

 Introductory video Exercises on page 66

8.4.- Reading about the Northern lights in Iceland

Iceland Travel guide   Northern Lights in Iceland video Exam task on page 65

8.3.- First and second conditional

 First conditional in songs video First conditional online exercise https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/first-conditional-exercise-1.html Second conditional in songs Second conditional online exercise https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/second-conditional-exercise-1.html Collaborative second conditional online exercise https://test-english.com/grammar-points/a2/second-conditional/ Individual second conditional online exercise https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/second-conditional-exercise-1.html Exercises on page 64 Collaborative first and second conditional online exercise https://test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/first-and-second-conditionals/ Individual first and second conditional online exercise} https://test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/first-and-second-conditionals/3/

8.2.- Reading exam task

London city tour video Exam task on page 63 Video about the Tower Bridge in London Speaking exercise 6 on page 63

8.1.- Travelling ways

Brainstorming about the different means of transport that students know classified into air, land, sea and rail  Introductory video At the airport introductory conversation video Exercises on page 62 #4 Collocations Verb + Preposition I go to school by bus. I travel to Mexico city by plane. travel work go         + by tour  I go to school in my car. The book is in my car. go         + in/on + a/the/my be When you say "I'm going by bus/car." with no article, you mean "bus/car" as a method/means/mode of transportation not as a vehicle. If you mean to refer to a vehicle, you need an article (or other determiner) and a different preposition depending on the type of vehicle: on a bus, in my car, etc., except on foot. Prepositions with the means of transportation online exercise https://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=9014#a